If you've been exposed to the news this week you have probably heard about the big change for Planned Parenthood; Susan G. Komen has pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding.
I've read speculations that the change is either due to new policies or a new VP that is against abortion therefore against Planned Parenthood. Whatever the cause, this will affect millions of women.
When I was struggling in LA, I didn't have any health insurance and therefore relied on the Planned Parenthood (PPH)clinics for my check ups. These clinics made it possible for me to maintain my health even though I was having a financial hardship. It makes me crazy that people punish PPH for performing abortions and overlook the fact they make it possible for a lot of American women (and men) to take care of their bodies.
The PPH website, www.plannedparenthood.org, lists all the other services besides abortions they provide: gynecological exams, clinical breast exams, comprehensive birth control services, emergency contraception, sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment, HIV testing and counseling, pregnancy testing and options counseling, HPV vaccinations, Hepatitis A & B vaccinations, male and reproductive health exams, vasectomy male permanent sterilization, and ensure non-surgical female permanent sterilization. Regardless of where you stand on abortion, you can't deny they provide a variety of services at reasonable prices.
And according to the website, "PPH serves three million women every year through its more than 850 affiliate health centers across the country". That's a lot of women that get their physical needs taken care of that otherwise wouldn't be able to.
Despite this huge upset, it gives me satisfaction to see that people and political figures are stepping up with their wallets. The Washington Post reported by Wednesday, PPH received more than $400,000 in donations from 6,000 people. Also donating is New York Mayor, Michael Bloomberg. He is personally matching dollar for dollar, the next $250,000 raised by PPH.
I wish PPH the best! If I had the money I would definitely write a big check. But even with the little I make, I will make sure I look into donating via payroll deduction. Check out what
Yahoo! is saying on the topic.
***Update: Looks like the decision was reversed and one of the Executives resigned. Read about it here.